About us
We began rollerblading as kids for fun around the city with our friends and parents. Nowadays we have a bigger team of huge skates enthusiasts as we!
We ran our helpful tutorials about how to skate and learn new styles such as slalom, freeride, aggressive and etc on our YouTube channel "InMoveSkates".
There you will find our team and owner's professional skating as well.
Our main warehouse is in Cracow, Poland, but we also have some stock in France and Spain.
InMove Aleksander Błagodiorow
NIP: 6762561355
REGON: 382523644
ul. Św. Jacka 88/7
30-364 Kraków, Polska
tel. +48 537 337 995 (polski)
+48 537 338 016 (русский, English)
email: [email protected]
Rachunek bankowy: ING Bank Śląski 42 1050 1445 1000 0097 1085 9894